What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that the websites visited by the user send to their computers. Cookies are memorised on devices (such as computers, tablets, smartphones and on any appliance used to surf the web) and at next visit of the same user are resent to the relative websites.
To know more we suggest you to read our cookie policy, which is available here (and the privacy policy of our website, which can be read at the following link: https://www.tintolav.com/en/privacy.html ). You can choose what cookies to accept and go on, or else you can configure the single cookies by following the below-mentioned directions. There are various types of cookies, some to make the use of the website more effective, others to enable certain functions.
What cookies are used on this website?
tintolav.com website uses the cookies mentioned in the following table.
Below you can also find the origin domain, the type of cookie and the default expiry.
Cookie |
Service |
Domain |
Type |
Expiry |
technical |
tintolav.com |
First part |
Permanent |
Cookies included in Google Analytics allow the Company to collect and process information about the access to the website, the time of permanence of users and other data that are necessary to get a general picture of the use of the website itself.
The data processed through these cookies are anonymized when they are collected. In this way, even if users’ data are tracked, the Company cannot associate this information to a person in a univocal way.
Compulsory consent to cookies
Technical cookies cannot be disabled by the user, because they are necessary for the proper use of the website, but thanks to their own nature they cannot collect personal data.
Instead, the cookies of Google Analytics can be excluded through the browser settings, even if they are considered merely technical cookies because they work on anonymised data.
Cookie permanence on users’ computers
Cookies have a duration that depends on the expiry date (or on a specific action such as closing the browser), which is set at the moment of installation.
Cookies can be:
• temporary or session cookies: they are used to file temporary information, they link the actions of a specific session and they are removed by the computer when the browser is closed;
• persistent cookies: they are used to file information, such as the layout settings or the font of texts, in order to prevent the users from modifying them each time they visit a specific website. They are memorised in the computer also after closing the browser.
Cookie management
It is always possible to modify the consent to cookies by deleting them and coming back to homepage of the website, in compliance to current regulations about personal data protection, that is to say:
• D.Lgs. 196/03, as modified by D.Lgs 101/2018;
• Reg. 2016/679 CE – GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
• Measure of identification of simplified methods for the report and the request of consent to the use of cookies - 8th May 2014 (Published on the Official Gazette n. 126 of 3rd June 2014)
The user can always exert the rights acknowledged by D.Lgs. 196/2003 and by the European regulation n.2016/679 and, in particular, among the others,
• Right to access and obtain a copy of personal data;
• Right of rectification and cancellation of personal data;
• Right to limit the processing;
• Right to revoke the consent;
• Right of data portability;
• Right of opposition.
To exert these rights, it is possible to contact the Company at the following addresses:
Company processing the data |
Tintolav S.r.l. |
Postal address |
Via Massimo d'Antona 7 - 10028 Trofarello - Italy |
Ordinary e-mail |
Telephone number |
011.6496827 |
If you have already given your consent but you want to change cookie authorisations, you have to delete them through the browser, as it is explained in the present document, because otherwise the ones already installed will not be removed. In particular, it is never possible to control the cookies of third parties, so if you have already given your consent, it is necessary to delete the cookies through the browser or asking for the opt-out directly to the third parties or through the website http://www.youronlinechoices.com/it/le-tue-scelte
If you want to know more, you can visit the following websites:
• http://www.youronlinechoices.com/
• http://www.allaboutcookies.org/
• https://www.cookiechoices.org/
• http://www.garanteprivacy.it/web/guest/home/docweb/-/docweb- display/docweb/3118884
Procedures to disable cookies
As we have explained before, it is possible to stop cookies directly from the internet browser.
1. Open Chrome browser.
2. Click on the menu present in the browser toolbar next to the window for inserting the navigation URL.
3. Select "Settings".
4. Click on “Show advanced settings”.
5. In the “Privacy” section click on the “Content settings” button.
6. In the “Cookie” section it is possible to modify the following settings related to cookies:
• Allow data saving on the local computer.
• Modify local data only until the browser closure.
• Prevent websites from setting up cookies.
• Stop the cookies of third parties and the data of the websites.
• Manage the exceptions for some websites.
• Eliminate one or all the cookies.
Mozilla Firefox
1. Open Mozilla Firefox browser.
2. Click on the menu present in the browser toolbar next to the window for inserting the navigation URL.
3. Select “Options”.
4. Select the “Privacy” panel.
5. Click on “Show advanced settings”.
6. In the “Privacy” section click on the “Content settings” button.
7. In the “Tracking” section it is possible to modify the following settings related to cookies:
• Ask the websites not to do any tracking.
• Tell the websites that you agree to be tracked.
• Not communicate any preference about the tracking of personal data.
In the “Chronology” section it is possible:
• To enable “Use personalised settings” and decide to accept the cookies of third parties (always, on the most visited websites or never) and to keep them for a certain period (until their expiry date, when closing Firefox or to ask every time).
• Remove the single cookies stored.
Internet Explorer
1. Open Browser Internet Explorer browser.
2. Click on the “Tools” button and choose “Internet options”.
3. Click on the Privacy page and, in the “Settings” section, modify the scrolling device according to the action desired for cookies:
• Stop all the cookies.
• Allow all the cookies.
• Select the websites from which to obtain cookies: move the cursor to an intermediate position in order not to stop or allow all the cookies, then click on “Websites”, in the “Website address” case insert a website and then click on “Stop or allow”.
Safari 6
1. Open Safari browser.
2. Click on Safari, select “Preferences” and click on “Privacy”.
3. In the “Stop cookies” section specify how Safari should accept cookies from websites.
4. To see what websites have stored the cookies click on “Details”.
Safari iOS (mobile phones)
1. Open Safari iOS browser.
2. Click on “Settings” and then on “Safari 3”. Click on “Stop cookies” and choose among the different options: “Never”, “Of third parties and advertisers” or “Always”.
4. To delete all the cookies stored by Safari, click on “Settings”, then on “Safari” and in the end on “Delete cookies and data”.
1. Open Opera browser.
2. Click on “Preferences”, on “Advanced” and then on “Cookies”.
3. Select one of the following options:
• Accept all the cookies.
• Accept cookies only from the website you visit: the cookies of third parties and the ones that are sent by a different domain will be rejected.
• Never accept cookies: all the cookies will never be saved.