Protection starts from the treatment of the garments with whom we are in contact daily
Test the sensitivity of the BIOXELLE LINE
Bioxelle Collection is the Line of Hypoallergenic Detergents, Softeners and Sprays that protects your garments, your family and the environment.
Our secret is the attention to detail that guarantees the quality and the protection that each of us chooses to preserve clothes and underwear.
Bioxelle products are certified by ISPE Institute of Skin and Product Evalutation and by the University of Turin, which have confirmed their professional features, through various Tests in their Laboratories.
Their NATURAL AND DELICATE FRAGRANCES are free from all the 26 chemical substances that are considered allergenic (UNIPRO, 2003).
The SMALL QUANTITY OF PRESERVATIVES in the products (source of possibles allergens).
Use of CUTTING-EDGE SURFACTANTS and HYPOALLERGENIC SUBSTANCES that guarantee the best cleaning power.