Automatic Dispenser DeoMatic C08-000


Elegant dispenser with timer and manual programming. Functional and suitable for perfuming the air pleasantly and constantly.

• Display activation switch with LED light
• Adjustable releasing time (7.5/15/30 minutes)
• 3 setting phases (24h, Day, Night)
• Flashing LED light: Green (normal functioning), Red (low level of spray recharge or low battery)

*Refills and diffusers are sold separately.



1. Insert AA alkaline batteries in the correct direction.
2. Set the releasing interval on 7.5, 15 or 30 minutes.
3. Choose the setting phase:
a. 24H = It sprays every 7.5/15/30 minutes for 24 hours.
b. DAY = With daylight it sprays every 7.5/15/30 minutes. Without light it doesn’t work.
c. NIGHT = In the darkness it sprays every 7.5/15/30 minutes. With daylight it doesn’t work.
4. Insert the spray can into the dispenser.
5. When switching on the device, avoid turning the spray towards your face. A recharge lasts approximately 1 month (that is to say it can spray about 3000 times).
6. Reset the switch (ON/OFF) after replacing the spray bottle.

Warning: it is advisable to keep the dispenser in a high position at 2,2 m to get a better result. After some time, if the dispenser doesn’t work and the red light is on maybe the can is empty (each can sprays about 3000 times) or it is necessary to replace the batteries (2 batteries should lasts approximately 8 months).