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Tuesday, 23 March 2021 15:12

How to protect garments from moths

When transitioning your closet from winter to spring, it’s important to do it in a practical and functional way to take care of garments.
You’ll need an effective wash and a real professional moth repellent!

Time flies during childhood, but when we grow up it is pretty much the same!
Although we got out winter clothes some months ago to cope with cold weather, it feels like yesterday. And yet the time has come to put them away.
Even if the weather is still a bit unsettled, some sweaters, coats and blankets are already too warm for this pleasant spring breeze that’s starting to blow. It’ time to make space for lighter clothes.

When transitioning your closet from winter to spring, it’s important to do it in a practical and functional way to find well-kept garments next autumn: let’s take some time and let’s avoid accumulating clothes messily in the highest shelf of the wardrobe or in a box to store in the cellar.

Before changing winter clothes with spring ones in the closet, it is important to wash garments well for two reasons: in this way we’ll find them clean and perfumed and we’ll prevent annoying moths from “nesting” in our beloved sweaters. In effect moths prefer nesting on dirty fabrics and are particularly attracted by carpets and garments with traces of sweat. Moreover to completely avoid this problem, it is advisable to apply a professional moth-repelling product.

HygienFresh has found a solution and helps you also when you’re transitioning your closet from winter to spring!

Our key words have always been hygiene and perfume, that’s why HYGIENFRESH LAUNDRY COLLECTION includes a wide selection of detergents and softeners with matching fragrances: their enzymatic professional formulas eliminate all kinds of stains from all fabrics, and their long-lasting fragrances give an irresistible perfume that lasts for days!

As for MOTH REPELLENTS, HygienFresh has created a professional product approved by the Italian Ministry of Health: Registration n. 19018

ANTITARME Professional

Moth repellent for wardrobes and drawers

Moth-repelling cardboard diffusers with lavender fragrance.
Complete and certified professional effectiveness: Registration n. 19018 of the Ministry of Health.

• It lasts a whole season
• It leaves a perfume of cleanliness and lavender on the clothes
• Moth-killing action

Directions for use:
FOR WARDROBES and DRAWERS: after detaching the strip and pulling it out of the protective packaging, put it close to clothes or in the hook of hangers. It is advisable to use two strips for each door.
FOR STORING SEASONAL GARMENTS: after detaching the strip and pulling it out of the protective packaging, put it inside the boxes of clothes between one item and another.

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