The most practical way to perfume small spaces such as wardrobes, drawers, sports bags or the clothes in the tumble dryer!
It is very satisfying to open the doors of a wardrobe or a drawer and smell a fresh fragrance that pampers our senses. Or to take garments out of the tumble dryer and realise that the scent of the laundry hasn’t completely vanished even with the high temperatures of hot air.
HygienFresh has created a very versatile product that can ensure all these little pleasures!
Sfere profumanti multiuso per profumare i piccoli spazi come armadi, cassetti, borsoni sportivi etc. Utilizzabile anche in asciugatrice.
- In asciugatrice propaga uniformemente il profumo durante il ciclo di asciugatura
- Ampia superficie di contatto, ricavata dagli intarsi lamellari che facilita infatti il passaggio dell’aria calda
- Forma sferica che consente il movimento tra le pieghe dei tessuti e la rotazione all’interno del cestello
- Fino a 40 cicli di asciugatura
- Profuma per mesi armadi e cassetti
- Profumazione lunga e duratura per profumare i tessuti
How to use:
- WARDROBES AND DRAWERS: Take one of the two Spheres out of the protective packaging and put it in the area you want to perfume. They can scent for months.
- TUMBLE DRYER: Take one of the two Spheres out of the protective packaging and put it in the tumble dryer before starting the drying cycle. Reuse the Sphere for 20 drying cycles before starting to use the second one.
Their spheric form and the ample contact surface deriving from the linear incisions are perfect to evenly release the scent during the drying cycle and facilitate the passage of hot air. In effect the spheres are free to move in the tumble dryer and among the clothes. Therefore the fragrance is released on the entire surface of the garments.

They perfumes wardrobes and drawers for months
Up to 40 drying cycles