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Monday, 24 April 2017 11:48

Miracle Zero Wrinkles Spray

HygienFresh presents the incredible Miracle Zero Wrinkles spray with the fantastic White Musk Perfume, for a perfect look without ironing. The practicality that you have always dreamt about now is at hand!

Its perfect formula guarantees a triple action: save money by buying one versatile product! First, it quickly removes wrinkles: who needs an iron? Secondly it instantly removes antistatic clings from fabrics, and prevents the accumulation of static. Thirdly it leaves a refreshing perfume thanks to the original HygienFresh White Musk. Quality meets emotion!

It is the ideal solution for the people who are always travelling and have little spare time, but want to make a good impression on every occasion. Its effectiveness and quickness will surprise you. Miracle is very easy to use and is non-stain. Shake, spray and after a few minutes show off your perfect look. It has various applications: you can try it also on the fabrics of your home, such as curtains and blankets, to be prepared also for unexpected visits. And then take it with you to the gym, to wear neat clothes after the shower. Moreover it can be very useful for giving the finishing touch to an evening dress before an important date or to a beautiful shirt before a work meeting. If you hate ironing, you should try this product. The result is absolutely stunning and no one will have doubts about how you have obtained it. Besides it is a good ally also for laundries to remove the little wrinkles that remain after ironing and guarantee the attention to details that clients always appreciate.

The box contains 12 sprays of 300 ml, with an elegant white can and an attractive label.

What a miraculous product!

Read 7967 times

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