Who has never hosted in his home a high mountain of clothes to iron that seems grow day by day?
There are times when, for one reason or another, we don’t have time and we don’t want to iron and we get to watch chairs full of clothes, overflowing laundry baskets with a sense of powerlessness.
Clothes that don’t need to be washed again because we have put them on only for half a day, but they have become ball of wrinkles because we have not put them tidily into the wardrobe.
HygienFresh developed a miraculous very efficient and scented solution to halve the “mountain” of clothes to iron: MIRACLE!
SPRAY MIRACLE Wrinkle remover
Miracle is available also with its comfortable COUNTER DISPLAY! All the Miracle counter displays are sold with 8 Sprays and then you can replenish them by ordering the boxes with 12 pieces inside! Half of eating is done with the eyes so show Miracle Counter Display on your shop counter and you will give the right amount of space to Miracle Spray. MIRACLE COUNTER DISPLAY |